Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Jolies fleurs!

They're not in my garden, but I so wish they were.  They're in the garden of a farm shop near us, and I just remembered I'd got them on my phone.  They're far too pretty to languish on there, so I thought I'd share them.
A sea of purple alliums, gorgeous on their own, but go to a slightly different angle...

...and these fantastic orange poppies make them even more knock-out!


  1. so beautiful. I could look at them all day. It's so important to be aware of the beauty all around us. I just love flowers and gardening (not that I'm particular good at it, mind you ;)

    Thanks for sharing, Ali.



    1. Aren't they pretty? The beauty around us is one of the things that keeps me going. Otherwise, I'd just look at the silly politicians and the state of the world and get depressed. And no matter what awful things are happening in our worlds, the flowers are still beautiful and the seasons still turn.

      Here's hoping that the things in your life aren't too awful right now. *hugs*

      Ali x
